Sunday, October 9, 2022 is International “Dim the Lights for Birds at Night” day!

A close friend of Peter Gradjansky’s (John Timothy. one of the founders of the Dance Palace) has reserved the Dance Palace for THIS COMING SATURDAY, October 8, at 7 p.m. for a presentation by an ornithologist whose passion is to combat the decline in migratory bird species by teaching each of us what we can do to make our own back yards and communities more bird-friendly.
While it is hard to imagine anywhere more bird-friendly than West Marin, even here, many species are in decline, and Kay Charter presents a vision of how the entire 78% of our country that is privately owned can become a kind of crowd-sourced “Homegrown National Park” that better supports the whole web of life- insects especially- on which birds depend. (Some of you may already be familiar with the work of Doug Tallamy, Kay’s entomologist collaborator, who has been heard repeatedly lately on KWMR, KPFA and NPR.) Kay is reportedly herself a “force of nature.” I suspect that all of us out here who love birds will find her mission fascinating and inspiring, and learn something new about one of those rare opportunities we have to personally make a difference in the quality of the environment.
The presentation is free and open to everyone. While it would be great if you can register online at, you can also just show up.
I hope to see you there.
Peter Gradjansky
Also: Lights out America –